Tales of Titen: Embodied Knowledge, Shifting Grounds

“Titen: Embodied Knowledges, Shifting Grounds” was the title chosen for the Biennale Jogja 17, 2023, curated by Adelina Luft, Eka Putra Nggalu, Hit Man Gurung, and Sheelasha Rajbhandhari, with the intention of weaving together shared movements around the Global South. Borrowed from Javanese, Titen or Niteni can be interpreted as an ability or sensitivity to read signs from nature, the term also underscores a curatorial framework aimed at decolonizing knowledge production.

This edition of kalkalāi invites artistic director of the Biennale, Alia Swastika, alongside artists Dipak Lama, Shreeti Prajapati, Manita Newa Kadgi, and Mimi to share aspects of their respective practices. The speakers will touch upon varied yet interconnected dimensions of the curatorial vision of the festival, from translocality of histories across dissociated geographies to embodied knowledge transmitted through our lands and bodies and the often unexplored dimensions of human relationships.

To read more on biennalejogja 17

Image credit:  Hit Man Gurung
Febraury 8,  2024


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